Saturday, June 4, 2011

Dear Adelaide,

I wish that I could freeze time.  You are so beautiful!  I love everything about you: your smiles, your smell, your soft fuzzy little head, your sounds.  Sometimes I feel that you are my last baby and I just want to breath you in.  I try to capture pictures of you in my head so that I can remember this time when you are all grown up and no longer my little baby.

I am so grateful for you.  While I was pregnant with you I started reading some very sad stories about women who had lost their babies.  All during my pregnancy I really worried.  I hoped that you would make it into this world safe and sound.  I had already had 5 beautiful and healthy children.  I was wondering if I would be so blessed again.  I was...the Lord is so good! 

You recently turned 6 months old.  You just started sleeping through the night!  Yeah!  Although I love babies, I'm not going to lie, not sleeping is very hard. 

At about 5 1/2 months old you noticed that I was eating food and you were mad that I would not let you try it.  So, I started you on rice cereal and fruit; which you really like.  Now you get mad at me everytime I am eating in front of you.  It is pretty cute and funny.

You finally started rolling over.  I was getting a little worried about it. The doctor said that it was probably because you are the youngest of six so the floor isn't a safe place for you and also that you were a large baby so it can be harder to learn to roll more mass over.  You can roll from your back to your stomach but not from your stomach to your back yet.  It's funny because you roll over to sleep on your stomach and then when you wake up you get mad that you can't get back over.  I'm sure you will figure it out soon.

You take about three naps a day now. They seem to be getting longer and longer.  When you are awake you are almost always happy.  You smile at anyone who will look at you.  You spend alot of time in your bouncy seat; which your dad says is why you are always kicking.  You are very patient considering sometimes you are left on your own while I am running around taking care of other children.

Here are your stats:

Head: 75 percentile
Weight:  20 lbs. 6 oz. Above the 97 percentile
Length: 27 3/4 inches Above the 97 percentile

You are an absolute pleasure and we all adore you!  I love you so much!



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